The commitment of the Kore University of Enna to the scientific and cultural growth of the country’s system is clear for all to see: since 2005, the research funds allocated to the university through public tenders won both nationally and internationally have reached 13,700,000 euros.
Everyone can contribute and support, in a concrete way, the growth and education of the new generations, research:
companies and private citizens can make free donations and specifically support a course, a service or a research project.
In addition, contributions from companies and individuals for research have tax advantages.
The software developed will make it possible – on economic and technical grounds – to optimise maintenance procedures by considering current and possible future scenarios.
The STUD.IO project:
Sociability Through Urban Design Innovation is a Strategic Partnership for Higher Education, funded by the Erasmus+ Programme, which sees the collaboration of four universities (University of Enna “Kore”; Universitatea Din Bucuresti; Slovenska Polnohospodarska Univerzita V Nitre; Universitat Politecnica De Catalunya) and four private organisations (Union of the Departments for Socio-Health, Education and Labour Policies; Sorangeli Trans Srl; Association of Agrarian and Environmental Lawyers; Consorzio Tartaruga).
The STUD.IO project, divided into 4 Intellectual Outputs, brings together complementary sciences – psychology, sociology and urban planning – in order to create a specialised and innovative university course aimed at university students and professionals studying and working in the field of urban development and society.
The STUD.IO-Sociability Through Urban Design Innovation project is a Strategic Partnership for Higher Education, funded by the Erasmus+ Programme, involving the collaboration of four universities (University of Enna “Kore”; Universitatea Din Bucuresti; Slovenska Polnohospodarska Univerzita V Nitre; Universitat Politecnica De Catalunya) and 4 private organizations (Union of Social and Health Policy Departments, dell’Istruzione e del Lavoro; Sorangeli Trans Srl; Association of Agrarian and Environmental Lawyers; Consorzio Tartaruga).
The STUD.IO project, declined in 4 Intellectual Outputs, connects complementary sciences – psychology, sociology and urbanism – in order to create a specialized and innovative university pathway aimed at university students and professionals who study and work in the field of urban development and society
The four-year POWERS project, which involves – in addition to Kore – 8 other European and Middle Eastern Higher Education Institutions, is aimed at studying, mainly from the point of view of law and international relations, the issue of security (both at regional and international level) in relation also to human rights, the promotion of democracy and the national policies of the main international players.
The research approach is multidisciplinary and also focuses on highly topical issues such as the right to food safety and the COVID-19 pandemic.
The NEWS Project is financed within the INTERREG V-A Italy-Malta Programme – and is aimed at mitigating the effects of storm surges and limiting the damage caused by climate change by means of an innovative early warning system, with the help of a monitoring network composed of detection stations (wave buoys) and two centres for the acquisition and processing of the measured data.
The research Project NEWS is financed by the INTERREG V-A Programm “Italia-Malta” and it aims to develop an integrated system, which includes monitoring, early warning, mitigation of the coastal risks caused by the climatic changes, activating protection measures by a net of GPS directional wave sensors (buoys) and two computational clusters for real-time predictions.
Università degli Studi di Enna “Kore” – Cittadella Universitaria – 94100 Enna (EN)
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