Kore University is an independent private higher education institution. It is one of the newest private universities in Italy.
Its legal status was legislated by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (decree n. 116, 5 May 2005).
Kore University offers degree courses among the five Faculties:
– Engineering and Architecture
– Human and Social Sciences
– Economics and Law
– Medicine and Surgery
– Humanities, Foreign Languages and Education
Since 2008, the university of Enna offers a PhD in:
The University Kore of Enna is the final result of a ten-year long experiment, the fourth institution of higher learning in Sicily in chronological order after Catania, Messina and Palermo. Kore has earned a national reputation of the highest order through the realization of multi-purpose-designed academic structures, innovative facilities, state-of-the-art laboratories, which have created the basis for teacher/student relationships that are impossible to find in other, larger universities. In this sense, Kore can be seen as an “avant-guard” reality for a modern multicultural and multi-ethnic university, the university of the new millennium. The prime objective of our university is to establish new educational “frontiers” in the Mediterranean basin, a vast region of different customs, traditions, cultures and of the history of ancient civilizations.
The mission of our university is not only to promote a greater awareness of Mediterranean cultural realities, but also to allow a permanent exchange of teaching staff and students between other universities, national or foreign, and also between the cultural institutions of the region. Kore constantly follows the student acadamic path thanks to an efficient tutoring system, guiding him to the point of being able to overcome any eventual learning difficulty. The student will also be kept properly informed about his career prospects, supporting needs which are far from family and home.
With 1,000 seats and almost 10,000 square metres, the Library of the University of Enna Kore provides a university library of books and scientific journals, e-books, electronic journals and databases for research. But there is much more: study rooms, computer stations, 600 lockers, courses on how to do bibliographical research or compile a bibliography, inter-library loan and document delivery. All these services are free of charge for UNIKORE students.
The CLIK – Kore Interfaculty Language Center is the university language service, emphasizing the importance of diverse cultural heritages and is an integral part of the daily academic activity of KORE. Stuents from all faculties of the university share in learning and deepening their knowledge of both European and non European languages (Arab and Chinese). These courses are available with qualified mother-tongue teachers incorporating the latest teaching technologies. The CLIK offers spacious, well-equipped teaching and learning areas, multimedia rooms and a modern auditorium with seating capacity for one hundred-eight students.
The principal goals of this university service regards orientation trough promoting accessibility to work opportunities and sostaining graduates in their search for professional recognition and employment. Other goal of UKEPASS is to assure through counseling activities the continuity of the educative experience not to mention offering employment opportunities in the university field.
Information about admission procedures at Italian universities for foreign students is available on the website https://www.universitaly.it
Information related to non-EU citizens and non-EU residents.
Università degli Studi di Enna “Kore”
Cittadella Universitaria – 94100 Enna
I nostri uffici sono aperti con orario continuato:
da lunedì a venerdì: 8:30 – 18:00
sabato: 8:30 – 13:00
Ufficio Protocollo:
da lunedì a venerdì 9:00 – 13:00
il martedì e il giovedì anche dalle: 15:30 – 17:00
Università degli Studi di Enna “Kore” – Cittadella Universitaria – 94100 Enna (EN)
C.F.: 01094410865- PARTITA IVA COMUNITARIA: IT01094410865 – P.E.C.: protocollo@pec.unikore.it
Fatturazione elettronica – Codice Destinatario: KRRH6B9