The Laboratory of “Computer Engineering and Networks”, “CENs Lab, Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory, was born as a research group in 2010, later in 2011, it was expanded and was established by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture first and then by Decree of the President of the University N.174 of 2016, with the name “Laboratory of Computer Engineering and Networks”.
It originates from the CENs, Computer Engineering and Networks research group of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Enna – Kore, formed in 2010 and currently composed of professors, researchers, and research fellows.
The CENs Laboratory provides tools to support research, design, configuration and management of information processing systems in the field of artificial intelligence.
The Laboratory also hosts students engaged in thesis and internship activities, as well as researchers interested in promoting experimental research in the area of artificial intelligence and specifically in the field of expert systems, security, big data management, management, control and optimisation of services, networks (both wired and wireless) and next-generation information systems.
Since 2010, the lab has ensured that the most promising student research activities are presented annually at the International Society of Automation (ISA) student research long-distance conference and published in the journal BULLETIN OF THE UNESCO DEPARTMENT “DISTANCE EDUCATION IN ENGINEERING” OF THE SUAI.
The Laboratory has a specialised area in ‘Expert Systems and Networks’, i.e., the study of applications for the control of systems and innovative strategies and algorithms for the flexible management of resources in real-time systems and networks.
The objective is to define resource allocation policies (in terms of CPU time or bandwidth, depending on the context) that are flexible and achieve a good compromise between timeliness and efficiency, accepting a limited performance degradation for soft real-time activities where possible.
Applications in various sectors have been investigated and are still under consideration, including embedded and wireless systems to support factory and home automation communication.
The CENs research group proposes innovative solutions, approaches and applications for the control of computer systems in the field of networks, IoT and artificial intelligence.
The studies carried out by CENs have already aroused great interest both nationally and internationally, and there are numerous scientific contributions in journals with high editorial content.
Some of the scientific collaborations
PON “SAMANTA – SmArt MAiNTenance plAtform” – F/190197/01-03/X44.
The SAMANTA project creates a technological platform to facilitate the management of the entire maintenance and repair process of transport vehicles (public/private, freight/passenger) and logistics.
The solution consists of a platform to provide an advanced maintenance and repair service for freight and passenger vehicles.
The specific functionalities are:
The bridge over the District: the Computer Engineering and Networks laboratory coordinated the project activities to develop innovative real-time interaction platforms for the development of advanced web-marketing applications, funded by “Fondazione con il Sud – Invito Sviluppo Locale 2010”.
The project was funded by the ‘Fondazione con il Sud’ based on a competitive call for proposals with a review.
Multimedia paths in the company of experts:
PSR Sicily 2007/2013 measure 413, axis 4.
CUP code H23514000370009.
The project was financed by the RDP Sicily based on a competitive call with revision.
The Computer Engineering and Networks laboratory coordinated the project activities to develop multimedia applications for users of the territory in real-time and on the move.
PON PRISMA (PiattafoRme cloud Interoperabili per SMArt-government): financed by P.O.N. Ricerca e Competitivita’ 2007-2013 – Notice n. 84/Ric. del 02/03/2012 – Projects Smart Cities – cod.
The Laboratory of Computer Engineering and Networks was involved in research activities related to the following work units:
The research group has an extensive international production of scientific articles in journals, conferences and books in the field.
The group has presented (some still in progress) several Special Issues and Special Sections in international journals and conferences to promote the research topics addressed in the Laboratory.
Here are the scopus links to access the research papers
The Laboratory is located on the first floor of the Engineering and Architecture building at the University Citadel.
Mario Collotta –
Giovanni Pau –
Fabio Arena –
Francesco Termine –
Università degli Studi di Enna “Kore” – Cittadella Universitaria – 94100 Enna (EN)
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