The role of modelling and numerical analysis of mechanical systems has acquired considerable importance in almost all areas of engineering in recent decades.
This is particularly true in aerospace engineering, where it is now common practice to use computational approaches to study both continuous and discrete mechanical systems in both academic research and industry.
Correct modelling of mechanical systems is essential in the design of aerospace systems because of the need for an accurate assessment of their behaviour while simultaneously requiring a reduction in the computational burden.
Concerning continuous mechanical systems, the focus is on modelling materials, fluid-dynamic phenomena and fluid-structure interactions, also taking into account any scaling or multi-physics phenomena.
Numerical modelling and analysis of discrete mechanical systems are instead used i) to predict the dynamic behaviour of interacting multi-domain components (also taking into account the operating environment and uncertainties) and ii) to design optimal control systems by using heuristic algorithms based on the social behaviour of flocks.
The MAN Numerical Modelling and Analysis laboratory is equipped with high-performance workstations and programming and calculation software for research activities such as Matlab®, Ansys®, Comsol Multiphysics® and LabVIEW.
The numerical modelling and analysis laboratory is also used for teaching activities for students on the Aerospace Engineering degree course, as part of the ‘Aerodynamics’, ‘Flight Mechanics’, ‘Aerospace Systems’, ‘Aerospace Constructions and Structures’ and ‘Principles of Flight Simulation’ courses.
Activities also include implementing and analysing numerical models as part of internships and dissertations.
The Numerical Modelling and Analysis laboratory is under the responsibility of Prof. Calogero Orlando, associate professor in the scientific-disciplinary sector ING-IND/05 Aerospace Systems and Systems.
In addition to being the head of the laboratory, all the lecturers in the core subjects of the Aerospace Engineering degree course also report to the laboratory.
The research activities carried out at the MAN laboratory are interdisciplinary and range from mathematical modelling to the computational analysis of problems typical of aerospace science.
The main research projects and activities supported by the MAN laboratory are listed below.
SIADD “Innovative solutions for quality and sustainability of ADDitive manufacturing processes” PON “Research and Innovation” 2014-2020, funded by the Ministry of Education, University and Research.
Scope of Specialisation: Intelligent Factory.
DAVYD “Development of innovative technologies for control surfaces and landing gear implementation” PON “Research and Innovation” 2014-2020, funded by the Ministry of Education, University and Research.
Scope of Specialisation: Aerospace.
CASTLE “CAbin Systems design Toward passenger welLbEing” Clean Sky II.
Consulting activities for the Polytechnic of Turin.
In the field of system dynamics, the research activities carried out in the laboratory related to:
In the area of continuous and structural systems, computational modelling of metal solids made in additive manufacturing is carried out for
In the structural field, modelling and analysis activities are also carried out on composite laminates with variable fibre angle and viscoelastic layers to dampen vibrations and reduce noise transmission inside the fuselage.
The laboratory offers external services i) in the field of numerical-computational modelling and analysis of dynamic, multi-physics systems, both continuous and with concentrated parameters; ii) in the field of heuristic optimisation; iii) in the model-based design of control systems; iv) in the verification of model robustness.
For contacts, please send an email to
The MAN Laboratory is located within the MARTA research centre in the Santa Panasia Science Park of the University of Enna Kore.
Università degli Studi di Enna “Kore” – Cittadella Universitaria – 94100 Enna (EN)
C.F.: 01094410865- PARTITA IVA COMUNITARIA: IT01094410865 – P.E.C.:
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