M.A.R.T.A. CentreLaboratory of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (LIMA)

Home Research M.A.R.T.A. Centre – Mediterranean Aeronautics Research & Training Academy Laboratory of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (LIMA)

The laboratory

LIMA (Laboratorio di Ingegneria Meccanica ed Aerospaziale) operates in the field of consultancy and services for industrial engineering.

It carries out theoretical and applied research and contract work for external parties.

It encompasses various skills ranging from industrial technology applied to the automotive, aeronautical and naval fields to the analysis of materials used in these fields and integrated design.

The approaches used are both numerical-computational and experimental and involve different study methodologies such as:

  • For the numerical analysis aspect: CAD solid modelling, FEM and CFD simulation,
  • For the experimental analysis aspect: the complete characterisation of the elastoplastic behaviour of conventional and composite materials.

Since 2012, the laboratory has been providing scientific consultancy services under contract or on behalf of third parties for various public and private entities operating in the field of industrial engineering.

The main subjects for which LIMA has carried out activities include:

The LIMA laboratory also offers pre-degree training for students of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, particularly those in their third year of Aerospace Engineering.

During the training period, students can follow and participate in the activities carried out in the laboratory, working alongside the structured staff.
Students may also carry out experimental and numerical research to write their final dissertation.

Regulations and decrees

The LIMA laboratory was established by Decree No. 21 of 23 May 2012 by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture.

As of 1 January 2017, as part of the reorganisation of the Research Centres and Laboratories of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, the LIMA laboratory has been assigned to the MARTA Research Centre (Mediterranean Aeronautics Research & Training Academy), as per Decree no. 174 of 30 December 2016 of the President of the University of Enna Kore.


Since its establishment in May 2012, the LIMA laboratory has been under Prof. Davide Tumino, associate professor in the scientific-disciplinary sector ING-IND/15 Design and Methods of Industrial Engineering.

In addition to being the head of the laboratory, all the lecturers in the core subjects of the Aerospace Engineering degree course also report to the laboratory.


The laboratory supports interdisciplinary research topics ranging from the analysis of the mechanical behaviour of materials of practical mechanical and aeronautical interest, such as composite materials and intelligent materials, to problems connected with wind engineering (study of wind turbines with structural and aerodynamic optimisation), the study of joints between metallic and/or composite materials, and problems connected with new additive manufacturing technologies.

Below is a list of the main research activities supported by the LIMA laboratory within conventions (or third parties) and funded research projects.

  • Numerical simulation of the thermo-mechanical behaviour of avionics components: using Finite Element codes, simulations were carried out on various types of avionics components to determine their mechanical stress state due to operation and assembly joining processes.
    The analyses, carried out under non-linearity, allowed the verification and optimisation of the most stressed parts.
    Applicant party: SELEX GALILEO.
  • Thermal and mechanical shock simulation of electronic components: Using Finite Element codes, simulations were carried out on different electronic components to determine their thermal state and mechanical stress due to operation and mechanical stress scenarios from PSD and acceleration ramps.
    The analyses, carried out under non-linearity, allowed the verification and optimisation of the most stressed parts.
    Applicant party: LEONARDO FINMECCANICA.
  • Mechanical characterisation of the tensile behaviour of bonded metal joints: Employing tensile tests on the material testing machine, the effect of adhesive and geometry on the strength capacity of a simple overlap joint was investigated.
    Applicant party: POLITECNICO DI MILANO.
  • Verification of the mechanical stress state on a capacitive transformer: numerical finite element simulations of static and seismic tests were carried out on a capacitive transformer installed on a supporting truss.
    Analyses enabled the most stressed parts to be checked and optimised.
    Applicant party: TRENCH ITALY.

SIADD “Innovative solutions for quality and sustainability of ADDitive manufacturing processes” PON “Research and Innovation” 2014-2020, funded by the Ministry of Education, University and Research. Scope of Specialisation: Intelligent Factory.

Within the framework of this project, numerical simulation activities were carried out in the LIMA laboratory for the mechanical study of latex cells moulded by metal powder casting and of plastic composite materials reinforced with curvilinear fibres.
In addition, the research activity also included a campaign of experimental tests on the materials testing machine to determine the mechanical properties of both metallic and composite materials.

M.A.R.TE. “Remote Controlled Aerial Vehicle for Land Surveying” PO FESR 2007-2013, financed under Line of Intervention, Sicilian Region, Department of Productive Activities, (D.D.S. n. 3413 del 04/08/2011).

As part of this project, numerical simulations were carried out in the LIMA laboratory to design and structural verification of a hexacopter drone.
The structure, made entirely of composite sandwich material, was subjected to the heaviest loads for this aircraft type.

G.RE.EN. “upGraded REnewable ENergy system” PO FESR Sicilia 2007-2013 Linea

Actions to Support Research and Experimental Development Activities, Sicilian Region, Department of Productive Activities, (D.D.G. n. 629/3 of 17/02/2012).
As part of this project, the design and fluid-dynamic simulation of a micro wind turbine with a vertical axis and helical blades was carried out in the LIMA laboratory.
The project was then manufactured using CNC machine tools and installed.
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1001Velacup. International inter-university regattas

As part of this research project conducted with the Engineering Department of the University of Palermo, the LIMA laboratory was responsible for designing the structural parts of a racing sailboat, designed and built using eco-sustainable materials (linen, cork and wood).
In particular, structural optimisations and verifications of internal stiffeners and experimental tests on metal components and their joints were carried out.


Universal electromechanical material testing machine MTS with the following specifications:

  • load frame C43.504, capacity 50 kN,
  • load cells (1kN and 50 kN capacity),
  • MTS Criterion digital controller,
  • TestSuite TW Strain Channels 02 channel control electronics with software,
  • grip for tensile tests with n°4 wedges for thicknesses from 0 to 13.2 mm,
  • system for 3-point and 4-point bending tests,
  • plates for compression tests,
  • biaxial extensometer 25 mm,
  • uniaxial extensometer 50 mm.

Portable Shining 3D Einscan-SE scanner for digital acquisition based on the principle of structured light pattern projection.

Research products and publications

Below is a list of publications produced as part of the laboratory’s research activities over the last ten years.

  • Mancuso, A., Tumino, D. Advanced Techniques for Design and Manufacturing in Marine Engineering (2022) Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10 (2), art. no.
  • Tumino, D., Alaimo, A., Orlando, C., Valvano, S. A Preliminary Study on the Effect of Strut Waviness on the Mechanical Properties of BCC Lattice Unit Cells (2022) Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, pp. 431-441.
  • Cirello, A., Ingrassia, T., Mancuso, A., Nigrelli, V., Tumino, D. Improving the downwind sail design process by means of a novel FSI approach (2021) Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9 (6), art. no.624.
  • Ingrassia, T., Mancuso, A., Nigrelli, V., Saporito, A., Tumino, D. Parametric hull design with rational Bézier curves and estimation of performances (2021) Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9 (4), art. no.360.
  • Mancuso, A., Saporito, A., Tumino, D. Topology Optimization Design of Internal Reinforcements in a Sailing Dinghy (2021) Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, pp.73-79.
  • Mancuso, A., Saporito, A., Tumino, D. Parametric Hull Design with Rational Bézier Curves (2021) Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, pp221-227.
  • Mancuso, A., Nigrelli, V., Saporito, A., Tumino, D. Yacht performance monitoring in real sailing conditions (2019) Ocean Engineering, 188, art. no.106249.
  • Mancuso, A., Pitarresi, G., Saporito, A., Tumino, D. Topological optimisation of a structural naval component manufactured in FDM (2019) Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, pp. 451-462.
  • Mancuso, A., Pitarresi, G., Tumino, D. Using FEM simulation to predict structural performances of a sailing dinghy (2018) International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, 12 (3), pp. 811-822.
  • Ingrassia, T., Mancuso, A., Nigrelli, V., Tumino, D. A multi-technique simultaneous approach for the design of a sailing yacht (2017) International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, 11 (1), pp. 19-30.
  • Mancuso, A., Pitarresi, G., Trinca, G.B., Tumino, D. Refitting of an Eco-Friendly sailing yacht:
    Numerical prediction and experimental validation (2017) Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, pp. 527-536.
  • Camarda, L., Pitarresi, G., Fazzari, F., Tumino, D., D’Arienzo, M. Biomechanical comparison between the modified rolling-hitch and the modified finger-trap suture techniques (2016) Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, 136 (11), pp. 1595-1600.
  • Tumino, D., Adamo, G. A method based on point cloud sectioning to evaluate different sources of error on the shape of a manufactured object (2016) Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 11 (3), pp. 235-246.
  • Tumino, D., Adamo, G., Alaimo, A. An Applicative Method to Evaluate the Geometric Correspondence of a Manufactured Sweep Object to its CAD Model by Means of Point Cloud Manipulation (2015) Procedia Manufacturing, 2, pp. 258-262.
  • Pitarresi, G., Tumino, D., Mancuso, A. Thermo-mechanical behaviour of flax-fibre reinforced epoxy laminates for industrial applications (2015) Materials, 8 (11), pp. 7371-7388.
  • Mancuso, A., Pitarresi, G., Tumino, D. Mechanical Behaviour of a Green Sandwich Made of Flax Reinforced Polymer Facings and Cork Core (2015) Procedia Engineering, 109, pp. 144-153.
  • Alaimo, A., Esposito, A., Messineo, A., Orlando, C., Tumino, D. 3D CFD analysis of a vertical axis wind turbine (2015) Energies, 8 (4), pp. 3013-3033.
    Tumino, D., Ingrassia, T., Nigrelli, V. A new ESO-based method to find the optimal topology of structures subject to multiple load conditions (2014) Applied Mechanics and Materials, 670-671, pp. 902-906.
  • Tumino, D., Ingrassia, T., Nigrelli, V., Trinca, G.B. Redesign of a reverse shoulder prosthesis:
    Kinematic and mechanical study (2014) Applied Mechanics and Materials, 670-671, pp. 847-851.
  • Tumino, D., Ingrassia, T., Nigrelli, V., Pitarresi, G., Urso Miano, V. Mechanical behavior of a sandwich with corrugated GRP core:
    Numerical modeling and experimental validation (2014) Fracture and Structural Integrity, 30, pp.317-326.
  • Ingrassia, T., Mancuso, A., Nigrelli, V., Tumino, D. Numerical study of the components positioning influence on the stability of a reverse shoulder prosthesis (2014) International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, 8 (3), pp.187-197.
  • Pitarresi, G., Alessi, S., Tumino, D., Nowicki, A., Spadaro, G. Interlaminar fracture toughness behavior of electron-beam cured carbon-fiber reinforced epoxy-resin composites (2014) Polymer Composites, 35 (8), pp.1529-1542.
  • Spadaro, G., Alessi, S., Dispenza, C., Sabatino, M.A., Pitarresi, G., Tumino, D., Przbytniak, G. Radiation curing of carbon fibre composites (2014) Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 94 (1), pp. 14-17.
  • Ingrassia, T., Nalbone, L., Nigrelli, V., Tumino, D., Ricotta, V. Finite element analysis of two total knee joint prostheses (2013) International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, 7 (2), pp. 91-101.
  • Alaimo, A., Milazzo, A., Tumino, D. Modal and structural fem analysis of a 50 ft pleasure yacht (2012) Applied Mechanics and Materials, 215-216, pp. 692-697.
  • Alessi, S., Pitarresi, G., Spadaro, G., Tumino, D. Mode i fracture toughness behavior of hydro-thermally aged carbon fibre reinforced DGEBA-HHPA-PES systems (2012) AIP Conference Proceedings, 1459 (1), pp.117-119.
  • Pitarresi, G., Tumino, D., Alessi, S., Nowicki, A., Spadaro, G. Mode I fracture toughness behaviour of epoxy resincarbon fiber composites cured by ionising radiation (2012) ECCM 2012 – Composites at Venice, Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Composite Materials.
  • Cerniglia, D., Ingrassia, T., D’Acquisto, L., Saporito, M., Tumino, D. Contact between the components of a knee prosthesis:
    Numerical and experimental study (2012) Fracture and Structural Integrity, 22, pp.56-68.
  • Tumino, D., Zuccarello, B. Fatigue delamination experiments on GFRP and CFRP specimens under single and mixed fracture modes (2011) Procedia Engineering, 10, pp. 1791-1796.


The laboratory offers several external services that can be grouped into the following macro-areas:

– Numerical-computational analysis

  • Creation of CAD solid models for functional analysis of industrial components;
  • FEM structural simulations for the verification of elements subjected to static, dynamic and thermal loads, etc..
  • CFD fluid dynamics simulations for determining velocity and pressure fields of compressible and non-compressible fluids, fluid-structure interactions.

– Experimental characterisation tests

  • Tests to determine the mechanical properties of conventional and composite materials: tensile, compression, 3-point and 4-point bending, fracture and delamination tests of composites.

– 3D shape acquisition by structured light scanner

Contacts and where we are

For contacts, please send an email to davide.tumino@unikore.it

The LIMA Laboratory is located within the MARTA research centre in the Santa Panasia Science Park of the University of Enna Kore.