Il Kore University BEhavioral (KUBE) Lab:
In particular, the laboratory researches language and cognition in subjects with autism or neurodevelopmental disorders, studies implicit cognition, the behavioural principles of behavioural economics and applications of behavioural science-based interventions for the linguistic and cognitive rehabilitation of intellectual, learning and neurodevelopmental disorders.
It also studies the clinical and non-clinical applications of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, third generation cognitive behavioural therapy.
The laboratory is also involved in research in the field of cardiology, and more generally in chronic diseases, for the prevention of health risks through lifestyle modification.
Director of the KUBE Lab is prof. Giovambattista Presti, MD, PhD, psychotherapist and specialist in Medical Psychology.
Prof. Presti is an ACT peer review trainer and President of the Italian Society of Experimental and Applied Behavioural Analysts (SIACSA).
Scholars and research fellows and trainees from cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy graduate schools collaborate in the workshop.
The main research strands of the lab’s activities are:
Most recent publications:
Faculty of Humanities and Society
For contacts send an email to
Università degli Studi di Enna “Kore” – Cittadella Universitaria – 94100 Enna (EN)
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