Faculty of Human and Social SciencesLaboratory of Movement and Performance Analysis (LAMP)

Home Research Laboratories of the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences Laboratory of Movement and Performance Analysis (LAMP)

The laboratory

The Laboratory of Movement and Performance Analysis (LAMP) is a university structure that supports teaching and research activities related to multifactorial and quantitative analysis of human movement concerning motorsports in training and performance contexts.

To this end, the laboratory is characterised by integrated technological equipment, consisting of instruments that allow the aims mentioned above to be pursued both directly in the laboratory and external contexts (e.g. competition fields, gyms, school facilities).

The laboratory collaborates with several Italian universities (University of Rome “Foro Italico”, University of Sassari, University of Salerno), with national and regional federations and sports committees (Italian Fencing Federation, Italian Paralympic Committee (CIP) Sicily), with first-class sports clubs (Orizzonte Catania), and with local structures (ASP 4 of Enna, Ro.Ga., Reception Centre S. Lucia).


The scientific coordinator of LAMP is Prof. Mario Lipoma.
He is in charge of outlining the laboratory’s development and strategic planning objectives supporting teaching and basic, innovative and investment research.

The scientific head of the LAMP is Prof. Francesco Sgrò.
He is in charge of all tasks related to the organisation and management of teaching and research activities and services on behalf of third parties.


The research activities related to LAMP focus primarily on the following themes:

  • The study, analysis, and proposals for innovative methodologies and models for motor assessment and performance analysis, with specific characterisations for movement and sports performance biomechanics.
  • Development of low-invasive approaches for motor assessment in preventive and adapted settings.
  • Instrumental product and process evaluation approaches of sports events and performance to support the development of data-driven teaching and training models.

The research projects in which the laboratory has been or is involved are:

  • PRIN call 2011 – A quantitative and multifactorial approach for the estimation and prevention of fall risk in the elderly – Lead University: University of Bologna.

Research products and publications

  • Sgrò, F., Coppola, R., Schembri, R., & Lipoma, M. (2021).
    The effects of a tactical games model unit on students’ volleyball performances in elementary school.
    European Physical Education Review.
  • Coppola, R., Tortella, P., Coco, D., & Sgrò, F. (2021).
    How can the technology be integrated in Outdoor Movement Education for children and the youth with special needs?.
    Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 16(2proc), S651-S662.
  • Sgrò, F., Barca, M., Schembri, R., Lipoma, M. (2020).
    Assessing the effect of different teaching strategies on student’s affective learning outcomes during volleyball lessons.
    Journal of Physical Education and Sport.
    20(Supplement issue 3), 2136-2142.
  • Schembri, R., Quinto, A., Aiello, F., Pignato, R. & Sgrò, F. (2019).
    The relationship between the practice of physical activity and sport and the level of motor competence in primary school children.
    Journal of Physical Education and Sport.
    19(Supplement issue 5), 1994-1998.
  • Sgrò, F., Quinto, A., Platania, F., & Lipoma, M. (2019).
    Assessing the impact of a physical education project based on games approach on actual motor competence primary school children.
    Journal of Physical Education and Sport.
    19(Supplement issue 3), 1954-1959.
  • Sgrò, F., Coppola, R., Pignato, S., & Lipoma, M. (2019).
    Comparison of a Nintendo Wii Balance Board with a Laboratory-Grade Force Plate on Measurement of Transitional Movements.
    Kinesiology, 51(1), 35-51.
  • Sgrò, F., Coppola, R., Pignato, S., & Lipoma, M. (2019).
    Systematic review on the use of digital technologies for movement assessment in formal educational settings.
    Italian Journal of Educational Technology, 27(1), 19-35.
  • Sgrò, F., Bracco, S., Pignato, S., & Lipoma, M. (2018).
    Small-Sided Games and Technical Skills in Soccer Training:
    Systematic Review and Implications for Sport and Physical Education Practitioners.
    Journal of Sports Science. 6(1), 9-19.
  • Sgrò, F., Barresi, M., Pignato, S., & Lipoma, M.
    The use of exergames in physical education for enhancing balance skills in primary school children.
    Italian Journal of Educational Research. 18, 139-152.
  • Sgrò, F., Quinto, A., Messana, L., Pignato, S., & Lipoma, M.(2017).
    Assessment of gross motor developmental level in Italian primary school children.
    Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 17(3), 1954-1959.
  • Sgrò, F., Aiello, F., Casella, A., & Lipoma, M.(2017).
    The effects of match-playing aspects and situational variables on achieving score-box possessions in Euro 2012 Football Championship.
    Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 12(1), 58-72.
  • Sgrò, F., Mango, P., Pignato, S., Schembri, R., Licari, D., Lipoma, M.(2017).
    Assessing Standing Long Jump Developmental Levels Using an Inertial Measurement Unit.
    Perceptual and Motor Skills 124(1), 21-38.
  • Sgrò, F., Lipoma, M.(2016) Technical performance profiles in the European Football Championship 2016.
    Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 16(4), 1304-1309.
  • Sgrò, F., Aiello, F., Casella, A., Lipoma, M.(2016).
    Offensive Strategies in European Football Championship 2012, Perceptual and Motor Skills, 123(3), 792-809.
  • Sgrò, F., & Lipoma, M.(2015)
    Can an exergames training program improve the jump for height skill in childhood?
    A case study results., TOJET – Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, Special Issue for INTE 20015, 89-95.
  • Sgrò, F., Barresi, M. & Lipoma, M.(2015)
    “The analysis of discriminant factors related to team match performances in the European Football Championship 2012”, in Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 15(3), 460-465.
  • Sgrò, F., Licari, D., Coppola, R. & Lipoma, M.(2015)
    Assessment of balance abilities in elderly people by means of clinical test and low-cost force platform.
    Kinesiology, 47(1), 33-43.
  • Sgrò, F., Nicolosi, S., Schembri, R., Pavone, M. & Lipoma, M.(2015).
    Assessing vertical jump developmental levels in childhood using a low-cost motion capture approach.
    Perceptual & Motor Skills, 120(2), 642-658.
  • Sgrò, F.(2015).
    Metodi e strumenti per la valutazione del movimento umano, collana di “Movement Education and Sport Pedagogy”, Milano:
    Franco Angeli.
  • Sgrò, F.(2014).
    Technologies for motor education, series of ‘Movement Education and Sport Pedagogy’, Milan:
    Franco Angeli
  • Sgrò, F., Monteleone, G., Pavone, M., & Lipoma, M.(2014).
    “Validity analysis of Wii Balance Board versus baropodometer platform using an open custom integrated application”, in AASRI Procedia, 1, 22-29.


The laboratory can offer consultancy services to public bodies and institutions and to private individuals working in the field of motor and sports activities.

The laboratory hosts both internal and external training and thesis activities for students on courses in Motor Sciences and PhD courses at the University of Enna “Kore”.

Contacts and where we are

For any enquiries you can contact the Laboratory Manager at the address francesco.sgro@unikore.it

The laboratory is located on level -1 of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Enna “Kore”, with an entrance adjacent to the “ECO-KORE Wellness” gymnasium and the UKE Pass offices.