One of the main objectives of the Laboratory of Environmental Hydraulics (LIA) is to provide a valid tool for day-to-day teaching, research and consultancy activities for third parties, public and private bodies, in the field of water engineering:
Environmental Hydraulics, Coastal Hydraulics, Hydraulic Constructions and Hydrology.
The laboratory is equipped with sophisticated measuring instruments that guarantee experimental and environmental monitoring activities.
The laboratory divides its activities into three main areas:
The Lines and Research Topics of the Hydraulics Laboratory
The research activities mentioned are developed through five main areas of application.
The LIA laboratory is equipped with a numerical section that deals with fluid physics through computational fluid dynamics.
Numerical fluid dynamics deals with the development of methods and algorithms to simulate the dynamic behaviour of fluids in complex physical problems.
Particular attention is paid to the study of dispersed two-phase flows, which has numerous applications in industry, the environment and science.
Lagrangian dispersion analysis allows for a correct distribution of the actual path conducted by the dispersed phase(particle tracking) within the air or water matrix, thus representing a decision support tool for environmental risk mitigation.
Environmental hydrodynamics studies the movement of liquids concerning acting forces.
In the field of computational hydrodynamics, the LIA has acquired over the years specific skills in the numerical modelling of natural riverbeds with complex sections, defining specific algorithms, validated experimentally and through field measurements, able to return the flow rate from the water level, the variations of the water level in a natural riverbed as the morphology of the same changes and able to reproduce the three-dimensional turbulent motions that are certainly the subject of greatest interest in applied river engineering.
The laboratory experiments are carried out employing a pressurised water network within the premises of the hydraulics laboratory.
The network will consist of three meshes and eight possible supply nodes.
In particular, for the hydraulic scheme of the network, please refer to the graphic drawing attached to this report.
This scheme foresees the presence at the head of a loading tank with a volume of 6m3 obtained by hydraulically connecting 3 polyethene tanks for potable water, each with a volume of 2m3. An autoclave system will be connected to this tank, consisting of an electric autoclave pump with a variable operation (head 10m-60m and flow rate 20-60 l/h) and a 60 litre galvanised hydrosphere.
The network pipes will be made of Polyethylene PE 100 PN 16 DN 63 mm.
In particular, circular windings have been provided to obtain meshes with sides about 50 m long on each side, which will have to be suitably anchored to the laboratory floor employing u-shaped steel support brackets.
The laboratory experiments employ a channel with a variable slope and a length of approximately 18 metres. Water at different flow rates from an upstream tank flows to another tank downstream; once downstream, the water is sent upstream employing a pump.
The channel is used for teaching purposes (tutorials, internships, theses), research and contract work.
The Lia laboratory is also equipped with a hexacopter for environmental monitoring, which carries out academic and research activities in the field of thermographic surveys of landfills, thermographic surveys of buildings and their roofs to determine their energy efficiency, photogrammetric surveys for detailed mapping, planoaltimetric surveys for the construction of digital models, monitoring of air pollutants, and the survey and monitoring of coastal marine areas.
The laboratory offers a range of services to entities outside the University, including:
You can find us at Kore Platform in Polo scientifico e tecnologico di Santa Panasia, Enna Bassa.
Free Kore University of Enna Cittadella Universitaria – 94100 Enna
Prof. Ing. Mauro De Marchis
Associate Professor of ICAR/01 – Hydraulics “Faculty of Engineering and Architecture”
Associate professor in Hydraulic Engineering Faculty “Engineering and Architecture.”
Office Phone +39 0935536438
Università degli Studi di Enna “Kore” – Cittadella Universitaria – 94100 Enna (EN)
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