The Laboratory of Surveying and Representation operates as a research facility in Drawing and Surveying, also offering support to the teaching activities of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture through courses, theses and internships.
The Laboratory’s activities focus on the Survey and representation of realities at different scales, from sculptural to architectural, urban and environmental, aimed at volumetric comprehension, analysis of the laws that govern the formal and relational structure, and potentialities and criticalities, also through non-continuous monitoring operations.
From a didactic point of view, the Laboratory constitutes a space for critical-operative sharing between teachers, researchers and students in which the use of different methods of Survey, from the most traditional to the most advanced, and their integration become an opportunity for experimentation aimed at evaluating and recognising the most appropriate techniques concerning the object surveyed and the contribution that each of these methods makes to the construction of the documentary heritage.
Ample space is also given to prototyping, using reverse modelling techniques, through digital modelling and 3D printing, a subject of particular interest to the student and scientific community, as can be seen from a large number of dissertations on the subject and the practical applications in various funded research projects currently underway.
The integrated use of innovative techniques and instruments in charge of the Laboratory has the purpose of building ad hoc digital models for interpretation and consultation, which are fundamental in the current processes of knowledge, communication and valorisation of the realities investigated, as well as an essential tool for supporting and verifying the design process, but also for recognising and interpreting possible deviations and/or deformations between the object surveyed and its geometric-design correspondent.
Thanks to its highly specialised staff and the modern equipment it uses, the Laboratory provides fundamental transversal support for many of the research, prototyping, documentation and functional activities for building processes in general, both inside and outside the University of Enna Kore, also carrying out activities for third parties.
The Laboratory is located at the University’s new Research Centre in Polo scientifico e tecnologico di Santa Panasia, on the first floor of the LEDA complex. It has two rooms, one used for computational processing and post-editing activities, three fixed workstations (two of which are equipped with high-performance graphics workstations), two other workstations for reception and training activities, and a meeting table.
The second room houses the instrumentation and prototyping room, which houses the 3D printers and two other workstations for machine control.
The Laboratory complies with safety requirements for personnel and external users regarding the use of machinery inside the premises and during survey campaigns and fixed workstations, guaranteeing scrupulous observation of the prescriptions contained in its own internal and general University regulations.
The head of the Laboratory is Prof. Ing. Mariangela Liuzzo, lecturer in the Topography, Surveying and Design courses at the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture; two other engineers, PhDs in the sector, collaborate with the Laboratory.
The research activity has as its constant objective the exploration of themes and contents related to the area of Representation:
The desired goal is not only knowledge in itself, but the democratic dissemination of that process of “adequate knowledge, understood in a complex sense, capable of triggering that symbiosis between cultural development and economic development that \[…] becomes fundamental for inserting a territory, however well-known and emblematic, into a vital circuit that must be self-sustaining” (Valenti R. 2011); a vital circuit that can only be triggered by spreading new profitable relationships of interaction between operators and users of the territory, as advocated by the current directives in support of research and sustainable development, which promote ideas and projects aimed at the creation of smart cities and smart communities, i.e. characterised by the application of new information and communication technologies to improve governance, management and the sensitive and sustainable use of goods and services.
The laboratory carries out teaching and research activities for students during their internships, dissertations and doctoral theses.
The Laboratory of Surveying and Representation has carried out its activities within the framework of several funded research projects, in which the University of Enna Kore was a partner or leader, in particular:
Project “PRISMA – Interoperable cloud platforms for SMART-government”, (duration 32 months) financed under the National Operational Programme PON Research and Competitiveness 2007-2013 for the Convergence Regions – Axis II “Support for innovation”, Project code:
PON04a2_A/5, CUP:
Project “SINAPSIS- SIstema NAzionale Protezione SIti Sensibili”, (duration 36 months) funded under the National Operational Programme PON Research and Competitiveness 2007-2013 – Action II “Support for industrial research”, project code PON01_01063;
Project MARTE- Remote Controlled Aerial Vehicle for the Detection of Territory”, (duration 39 months) financed under Line of Intervention of the POR FESR Sicily 2007-2013 – Support Actions for Research and Experimental Development, Sicilian Region, Department of Productive Activities, (DDS n. 3413/3 of 04 August 2011;
Project ARS01_00926 “eWAS – An early warning system for cultural heritage” (duration 36 months) financed by MIUR – PON RICERCA & INNOVAZIONE 2014-2020 based on notice no.1735 of 13 July 2017, “Industrial Research and Experimental Development Projects in the 12 Areas of Specialisation identified by PNR 2015-2020”;
Project ARS01_00158 “TEMI MIRATI – Innovative Technologies and Models for Risk Mitigation in Critical Infrastructures” (duration 36 months) financed by MIUR under the notice no. 1735/Ric. of 13 July 2017, “Industrial Research and Experimental Development projects in the 12 Areas of Specialisation identified by the PNR 2015-2020.
Research agreements have been concluded with:
FAI – Fondo Ambiente Italiano (Italian Environment Fund)- funded a one-year research grant to develop the Survey and digital representation programme of the Giardino Della Kolymbetra in the Valle Dei Templi Park in Agrigento.
Over the years, the Laboratory has participated in archaeological survey campaigns at the sites of Piazza Armerina, Megara Hyblaea, Gerace and Agrigento, while various surveys on an urban-architectural scale, with particular reference to the Sicilian castle system, have been carried out at the sites of Aci Castello, Maletto, Nicosia, Forza d’Agrò and Paternò.
Only publications from recent years are presented.
The Laboratory offers the following services to organisations outside the University:
Engineering and Architecture Research Centre, Polo scientifico e tecnologico di Santa Panasia, 94100 Enna EN
Laboratory manager: Prof. Mariangela Liuzzo,
Università degli Studi di Enna “Kore” – Cittadella Universitaria – 94100 Enna (EN)
C.F.: 01094410865- PARTITA IVA COMUNITARIA: IT01094410865 – P.E.C.:
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