KORE PlatformLaboratory of Diagnostics and Restoration of Architectural and Cultural Heritage

Home Research KORE Platform Laboratory of Diagnostics and Restoration of Architectural and Cultural Heritage

The laboratory

Restoration is a discipline that sees the ‘building site of knowledge’ as an essential methodological premise of every design and execution activity.

Today, this approach requires wide-ranging and diversified knowledge from operators in the sector: from historical research to direct knowledge of the assets, from the application of scientific technologies for analysis and advanced modelling and management methodologies to diagnostics, structural and energy models, and from evaluation and management issues to anthropological and social ones.

Research on restoration design and its concrete outcomes in terms of sustainability has broadened the field of interest of the subject both in a spatial and temporal sense.
It is therefore not limited to historic buildings and monuments. Still, it extends to the fabric of minor buildings, disused industrial heritage, rural architecture, degraded areas, works of modern and contemporary architectural creativity, the cultural landscape, and all those artistic works that witness collective identity and civilisation.

In this sense, the Laboratory of Diagnostics and Restoration of Architectural and Cultural Heritage operates in support of the activities of protection and enhancement of the wide range of assets belonging to our cultural heritage: a strategic sector in the Italian system and internationally.

In particular, it aims to analyse the metric, static and material consistency of the immovable and movable heritage, to identify the pathologies of degradation and their causes, to identify the correct methodologies and techniques for conservation work, to design and verify the compatibility of use, fruition and/or exposure in safety, to propose communication, dissemination and awareness strategies.


The Laboratory of Diagnostics and Restoration of Architectural and Cultural Heritage is mainly a service structure that collaborates with the teaching activities of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture.

Restoration is, in fact, an essential part of the training of the architect, today in Italy, the only professional figure authorised by law to deal with conservation and restoration work, both in design and in works management.

It, therefore, operates as a research and experimentation structure with the triple function of:

  • supporting and promoting current student training activities (through courses, dissertations and internships);
  • support research in the field of conservation through scientific publications, research projects (among others, the PRISMA project, “Interoperable cloud platforms for SMART-government”, financed by PON Research and Competitiveness 2007-2013 – Notice no. 84/Ric. of 02/03/2012 – Smart Cities Projects – cod.
    University of Enna “Kore”, INFN – National Institute of Nuclear Physics, University of Bari Aldo Moro, University of Catania, CNR – National Research Council, Advanced Technology Solutions S.R.L., etc.).
    Total amount: €27,499,371.00 of which €3,108,527.00 financed to the University of Enna “Kore” and the PON SINAPSIS -National System for the Protection of Sensitive Sites in the field of Cultural Heritage – Techniques and technologies for the protection, enhancement and use of cultural heritage (code PON01_01063), financed by MIUR to the Universities Enna “Kore”, UNISOB and UNINA and to the companies Westend Srl, Teknomar Srl, Wind Srl, Telematic Solutions, Advanced Technology spa, 2011-2014.
    Total budget: €4,017,200.00, University of Enna “Kore” budget: €683,200.00), the support activities of protection bodies and local, regional and national administrations.
    In this sense, it is worth mentioning the numerous memoranda of understanding for study and research activities signed over the years with: the Diocese of Piazza Armerina (2017-2020), the Italian Association for Industrial Archaeological Heritage (AIPAI-SICILIA) (2017-2020), the Regional Department of Cultural Heritage and Sicilian Identity – Regional Museum Service of the Villa Romana del Casale in Piazza Armerina (2016-2019), the Regional Department of Cultural Heritage and Sicilian Identity – Regional Department of Cultural Heritage and Sicilian Identity – Service for the Superintendence of the Sea (2015-2016), the Regional Department of Cultural Heritage and Sicilian Identity – Regional Department of Cultural Heritage and Sicilian Identity – Regional Centre for Design and Restoration (2015-2018),{1] [2}the Institute for Applied Technologies for Cultural Heritage (ITABC) of the National Research Council (2014-2018), the Superintendence for BB. CC.AA. of Enna (2013-2014), etc.{1].
  • To provide services on behalf of third parties.

To this end, the Laboratory of Diagnostics and Restoration of Architectural and Cultural Heritage operates in the following three research areas:
a) Methods and technologies for architectural, urban and landscape recovery and restoration

  • elaboration of interdisciplinary study projects and interventions for the conservation, restoration and enhancement of the architectural, urban and landscape heritage;
    design and management of restoration and recovery sites;
  • study of construction methods and techniques for the conservation of the architectural and urban heritage;
  • support for the identification and development of new materials and techniques for intervention on historical buildings and traditional materials;
  • Develop innovative approaches for revaluating and reusing brownfield sites in rural areas of high historical, cultural and architectural interest.

b) Surveying and diagnostics of architectural and artistic heritage (in synergy with the {2][3}with the Laboratory of Relief and Representation){4]

  • advanced architectural survey with a laser scanner and image-based 3D modelling technologies;
  • advanced survey of art assets with integrated 3D non-contact technologies;
  • diagnostics, colorimetry and thermography;
  • innovative systems for processing, disseminating and communicating digital data (3D databases);
  • rapid prototyping and reverse engineering for solid and virtual models.

c) Management and enhancement of tangible and intangible cultural heritage

  • definition of management and planning tools to protect the territory and safeguard historical centres;
  • identification of mechanisms for the promotion, management and tourist development of architectural heritage, UNESCO sites and cultural heritage in general;
  • support for the promotion of cultural aspects as a potential for the economic development of regions.


  1. FARO Focus3D laser scanner: three-dimensional, phase-shifting scanner with integrated coaxial high-performance camera for detailed measurements and documentation.
    120 m, speed 976,000 pt/sec
  2. CAM2 EDGE 3D measuring arm: laser scanner system for non-contact measurement, inspection and reverse engineering equipped with scanning probe and 7-axis arm, complete with acquisition and modelling hardware and software
  3. FLIR E60bx thermal imaging camera: instrumentation for non-invasive monitoring and measurement of temperature and heat loss.
  4. Extech multifunction thermo-hygrometer: temperature and humidity reading device
  5. ISEL CNC milling machine – Flatcom 40-VH/2: equipment for the production of plastic and solid models, with numerical control milling technology.
    Processing size:
    120x90x25 cm
  6. Objet24 3D printer: equipment for the production of plastic and solid models, with material addition prototyping technology.
    Construction dimensions:
    24x20x15 cm.
    Print resolution 28 microns
  7. Dell Precision T3500 fixed workstation: Data processing

Research products and publications

Cardaci A., Versaci A.
Relief and Restoration an indispensable combination.
Methodological approaches and operational applications aimed at the knowledge and conservation of the cultural heritage of the Enna area.
Aracne editrice, 160 p., ISBN:
Versaci A., Lo Cascio A., Fauzìa L. R., Cardaci A.
Studies for the conservation and valorisation of the archaeological rock heritage of Calascibetta in Sicily, Italy.
ISPRS – The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote sensing and Spatial information sciences, vol.
XLIV-M-1-2020, pp.
311-318, ISSN:
1682-1777, doi:
Versaci A., Fauzìa L. R., Russo M., Cardaci A.
The integrated fast survey for the risk assessment.
A proposal for the safeguarding of the Medieval castles in Central Sicily.
ISPRS – The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote sensing and Spatial information sciences, vol.
XLIV-M-1-2020, pp.
893-900, ISSN:
1682-1777, doi:
Cardaci A., Versaci A.
Research and technological innovation for the knowledge, conservation and valorisation of cultural heritage in Sicily.
ISPRS – The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote sensing and Spatial information sciences, vol.
XLII-2/W15, pp.
247-254, ISSN:
2194-9034, doi:
Cardaci A., Mirabella Roberti G., Versaci A.
The integrated 3D survey for planned conservation: the former church and convent of Sant’ Agostino in Bergamo.
ISPRS – The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote sensing and Spatial information sciences, pp.
1-8, ISSN:
1682-1777, doi:
Versaci A., Cardaci A., Fauzìa L.R., Russo M.
The castle of Assoro: the integrated survey for the knowledge and conservation of ruins.
ISPRS – The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote sensing and Spatial information sciences, vol.
XLII-2/W11, pp.
1127-1135, ISSN:
1682-1777, doi:
Arrighetti A., Cardaci A., Gallina D., Versaci A.
New data for the reinterpretation and knowledge of a ‘monumental ruin’: the ‘Longobard’ church of Sant’Eusebio in Pavia.
In Archaeology of Architecture, ISSN 1126-6236
Versaci A., Cardaci A.
Contemporary architecture and conservation in the experience of the MAXXI Museum in Rome.
ANANKE, vol. special issue GeoRes, pp.
105-110, ISSN:
Cardaci A., Versaci A.
(2016), Methodological approaches and design directions for the restoration of the Doge’s Palace in Antivari, Montenegro.
Archaeological restoration, vol.
25, pp.
40-59, ISSN:
1724-9686, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13128/RA-19318
Versaci A.
A theatre for the Castello di Lombardia.
Criteria and opportunities between restoration, reuse and sustainability.
Confronti, vol.
IV, pp.
216-226, ISSN:
Cardaci A., Versaci A., Fauzia L.R.
3D documentation for archaeological conservation: some case studies in Central Sicily.
5; pp.
49-70, ISSN:
2239-4303, doi:
Versaci A., Cardaci A, Mirabella Roberti G.
From the continuous to the discrete model: a laser scanning application to conservation projects.
ISPRS – International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, vol.
XXXVIII-5/W16; pp.
1-8, ISSN:
1682-1777, doi:


The laboratory carries out most of its services through the formulation of ad hoc estimates defined together with the user.

Activities on behalf of third parties include agreements and collaborations with both private individuals and public bodies (Superintendencies, Regions, Provinces, Municipalities, Consortia, etc.) under the conditions imposed by the University Regulations.

Contacts and where we are

Engineering and Architecture Research Centre, Polo scientifico e tecnologico di Santa Panasia, 94100 Enna EN