The Speech Technology and Machine Learning Laboratory of the Kore University of Enna (UKE) deal with several research topics, e.g. Speech Processing, Machine Learning, Cybersecurity, Predictive Maintenance based on IoT-AI and Fault Detection, AI for Health and Industry.
The Laboratory has been involved in several research projects:
and is actively linked to numerous industrial research partnerships.
The Laboratory was established by Decree of the President of the University No.174 of 2016.
The Lab Director is Prof. SINISCALCHI Sabato Marco.
Research Assistants and Past Students
Communication and interaction between humans through voice is one of the main topics for research and teaching in the workshop.
Our mission is to understand the fundamental processes involved in human communication to understand better how they might be shaped and supported.
Research topics covered by STMLab members include: (i) Acoustic Modelling, (ii) Machine Learning, (ii) Extensive Vocabulary Recognition, (iv) Robust Speech Recognition, (v) Speech and Language Recognition.
We have several ongoing activities concerning health applications.
Neurodegenerative disorders (ND) encompass a wide range of conditions resulting from progressive damage to the cells and connections of the nervous system that are essential for mobility, coordination, strength, sensation and cognition.
We aim to address the early detection of ND using speech and writing.
In particular, we aim to build an automatic ND detection tool based on the speech signal, which can achieve high performance in noisy conditions by exploiting speech attributes, i.e. articulatory features, and which can work in interlingual scenarios.
In addition, we aim to develop tools to support early diagnosis and progression of NDs through handwriting analysis from online coordinates, offline images and RGCs.
The last instrument is in the patent phase.
Cancer is the second most common cause of death globally and involves highly variable clinical and biological scenarios.
Our goal is to build an automated or semi-automated and interactive approach based on artificial intelligence techniques to segment masses on dynamic contrast-enhanced breast MRI (DCE) and compare it with existing approaches based on classical image processing.
The proposed computerised approach could be implemented in clinical research environments by providing a reliable volumetric and radiomic analyses tool.
Due to the rapid progression of the disease worldwide, many have been working on solutions for the rapid and reliable detection of COVID-19.
We investigated and developed an artificial intelligence-based system for the early diagnosis of COVID-19 and certain types of pneumonia from chest X-ray images of people with suspected SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Despite their lower information content, X-ray imaging offers several advantages such as a lower radiation dose, lower costs for both the patient and the healthcare system, higher general availability and greater accessibility of equipment.
The solution achieves good accuracy, is cost-effective and reduces workload and patient-side impact.
We have two main activities concerning security applications.
Patent analysis can provide information on engineering design and identify potential infringements to promote innovation.
However, designers do not regularly deal with patents because of the intricate structure and legal terminologies used, especially in the early stages of design.
We developed an artificial intelligence-based solution to automatically and quickly capture patent knowledge from various patent sections and produce visualisations to facilitate understanding, including citation analysis and comparison of claims.
The solution is based on NLP techniques and allows the automatic extraction of Subject-Action-Object triplets representing functional and invention characteristics. In addition, a visual semantic diagram is constructed for a quick view of the patent content.
One of the most important research topics in palaeography is identifying the different scribes who participated in writing a medieval book.
Using traditional palaeographic tools, a palaeographer spends a lot of time reading, measuring and comparing thousands of letters or graphic signs.
Given the growing scientific interest that has been observed in recent years in the use of computer techniques applied to palaeographic research, the line of research aims to develop automatic analysis tools and a set of functionalities, which allow reliable identification of the scribes who contributed to the production of a given manuscript.
We have three main activities regarding control applications
The workshop covers an area of 225.00 square metres and has the following equipment:
We provide support to public and private research sectors in artificial intelligence, machine learning, machine control, speech processing, etc. Recently we have collaborated with:
(2021) – Metodi di apprendimento approfondito per il rilevamento automatico delle particelle e il prelievo da immagini di microscopia elettronica criogenica
(2021) – Deep learning methods for automatic particle detection and sampling from cryogenic electron microscopy images
(2020) – Valutazione della complessità dei polimorfi in silico basata sull’apprendimento automatico
(2020) – In silico polymorph complexity assessment based on machine learning
(2017) – Machine Learning per l’analisi della scena acustica
(2017) – Machine Learning for acoustic scene analysis
STMLab is located on the second floor of the Kore Platform Building, Polo scientifico e tecnologico di Santa Panasia, 94100 Enna (EN), Italy
Università degli Studi di Enna “Kore” – Cittadella Universitaria – 94100 Enna (EN)
C.F.: 01094410865- PARTITA IVA COMUNITARIA: IT01094410865 – P.E.C.:
Fatturazione elettronica – Codice Destinatario: KRRH6B9
Coordinate bancarie – IBAN IT97W0503616800CC0551777711 – SWIFT/BIC POPRIT 31055
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