The University of Enna “Kore” adheres to the national IDEM Federation (federated IDEntity Management for access to services), for the creation of the federated authentication and authorization infrastructure of the GARR network, and the eduGAIN inter-federation
List of Resources associated with the IDEM GARR AAI Federation which can be accessed using the credentials provided for this Identity Provider.
Login credentials are given to:
Access to IDEM services can be done by using the credentials normally used to access the University of Enna “Kore’s” WIFI network.
For technical information or to request assistance, send an e-mail to
The Identity Provider (IDP), in accordance with the legislation present in the IDEM (regulation), provides the Service Providers (SP), upon request, only the information about the user (called attributes) which is strictly necessary.
Attribute specifications are available at Technical Information GARR Attributes
In order to ensure better privacy management, the required attributes will be highlighted during the access phase to a Service Provider and only upon acceptance will it be possible to use the service itself.
The information to be transmitted can vary from Resource to Resource.
This Identity Provider will send to each Resource only the information requested by them.
The following table lists all the information that this Identity Provider could transmit to a Resource that requests it.
sn |
Cognome |
givenName |
Given Name |
cn |
Given Name, Surname |
displayName |
Given Name, Surname |
mail |
schacHomeOrganization |
Identification of membership organization |
schacHomeOrganizationType |
Type of organization |
eduPersonScopedAffiliation |
Type of affiliation to membership organization |
schacPersonalUniqueCode |
Unique code assigned by their organization |
eduPersonPrincipalName |
Unique code for the user |
eduPersonEntitlement |
Values used to grant privileges to the resource You want to access |
The privacy policy for users of the University of Studies Enna “Kore” is available through the link: Privacy Policy.
Università degli Studi di Enna “Kore” – Cittadella Universitaria – 94100 Enna (EN)
C.F.: 01094410865- PARTITA IVA COMUNITARIA: IT01094410865 – P.E.C.:
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